Los Angeles, CA
Amanda's probably my most loyal client and she initially reached out to me right after I announced the launch of my business. I've done numerous shoots with her to date and I've loved every single one. I mean, just look at her! Any photographer's job is easy with such a beautiful client. Some of these were photographed right outside of her house at golden hour and has easily produced some of my prettiest shots, especially so early on in my photography career.
During my second shoot with Amanda, she drove us all over parts of L.A. that day to get the best photos. We were able to capture some great views during this shoot. And what about that train shot?! No photoshop, we walked right up tot he gate to get as close to the train as possible. Luckily, they were coming by about every ten minutes so we were able to get a couple of tries in. With patience, good timing, and my camera's rapid shooting mode, we were finally able to get a great shot!